5 Reasons You Might Need a Digital Marketing Strategy

What are some common challenges shed businesses face when devising a digital marketing strategy? These days, these businesses tend to lose out to competitors who are more digitally savvy.

Businesses will face a few problems if they lack a strategic marketing plan. This includes a lack of data to drive insights, a proliferation of uncoordinated initiatives, a lack of innovation, and a loss of credibility with customers.

To avoid these issues, you need to watch out for these tell-tale signs that your shed business might need a digital marketing strategy.

1) You Don’t Have a Clear Direction 

If you’re not sure how to reach customers and you’re not even sure what you want from social media, you need to start with a strategy. If your strategy is to “do social media,” you’ll end up spending lots of money with little return.

At the same time, if you’re not sure where your business is going and there’s no clear goal, you’ll have no way to measure your social media program. So you’ll waste time and energy on the wrong efforts.

2) Your Competitors Are Doing It Better

If you’ve tried to grow your business with digital marketing before, you’ve probably experienced the frustration of watching your competitors do it better.

You may have seen your competitors come up with great ideas, grow quickly and impressively, and even possibly go on to sell their business for more than you’ll ever make.

All you’ve done is waste time and money with lackluster performance.

3) You Don’t Know Your Audience Enough

If you don’t know your customers well enough, you can’t give them what they want. You might be able to guess what they want, but you’ll never know for sure.

And if you don’t know what they want, you’ll never be able to figure out how to attract more of them to your business.

If you don’t know your customers well enough to make educated guesses, then you need to start with a strategy. And that strategy will help you know your customers better.

4) You Need to Build a Powerful Online Value Proposition

If you want to attract more customers, then you need to give them a reason to like your business. You need to give them a powerful reason to buy from you instead of from your competitors.

If you don’t give them a powerful online value proposition, then you’ll have trouble growing your business.

5) You’re Not Optimizing

If you don’t have a strategy to optimize your marketing efforts, then you’ll waste time and money on the wrong efforts.

Too often, business owners don’t have a conscious strategy when they first start a social media program. They just start posting content and hoping it will somehow convert into sales.

Instead, you need to start with a professional strategy that will help you optimize your efforts. This means you need to start with a defined strategy and then work to improve it over time.


If you run a shed business, you can’t afford to waste time and money. You need to start with a strategy, measure results, and then improve your strategy over time. Your social media strategy will help you focus on your bottom line.

If you are unsure about your digital marketing strategy, it’s always a good idea to get an expert opinion. Shed Marketer is a digital agency for shed builders that aims to help you build your online presence through creative digital solutions. Get in touch with us today to learn more.

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