What Are Local SEO Citations, and Why Do They Matter to Your Shed Business?

Struggling to get your shed business noticed in local search results? You’re not alone. One key factor you might be overlooking is local SEO citations, but if you’re new to SEO, you might be wondering, “What are local SEO citations?” 

Learn from Shed Marketer what local SEO citations are and why they’re crucial for your business. SEO marketing for shed builders can drive significant traffic to your website and boost calls — if you utilize local citations correctly.

What Are Local SEO Citations?

Local search engine optimization citations are online references to your business that include your business name, address, and phone number (NAP). These citations can appear in various places, such as business directories, social media platforms, and other websites. 

Local citations give search engines like Google a way to verify the legitimacy and relevance of your business in a specific geographic location.

The data in your citations, particularly your NAP information, needs to be consistent across all platforms. Inconsistent business data can confuse search engines and potential customers. Consistency in your business data contributes to higher local search rankings, which means more customers can find your business website.

Why Local Citations Matter: More Than Just Listings

While most citations are straightforward business listings, mentions of your business in blog posts, articles, or reviews also count as citations. These mentions increase your business’s visibility. Beyond the traditional directories, these less formal citations can come from various sources, each with unique benefits:

  • Blog Mentions: When a blogger writes about your shed business, it not only exposes your brand to their audience but also serves as a valuable citation. This type of mention often provides context about your products or services, making it more informative for potential customers.
  • Social Media Shoutouts: Mentions on platforms like Twitter or Instagram can be particularly impactful. These platforms have high user engagement, and a mention here can quickly spread, increasing your business’s online footprint.
  • Customer Reviews: Reviews on platforms like Yelp or Google Maps serve dual roles. They act as citations and provide social proof, encouraging more people to consider your business.

Local SEO Citations in Business Listings and Directories

The most common form of citation is business listings in online directories. Google My Business is a must-have, followed by other popular platforms like Bing Maps, Facebook, and Yelp. Choose directories that are relevant to the shed industry to maximize the impact of your citations.

Having a well-optimized Google My Business profile is essential for local SEO. It not only serves as a powerful citation but also provides potential customers with essential information about your business, such as operating hours, reviews, and directions.

Shed Marketer: Local SEO Citations Made Easy

Managing your citations is not a set-it-and-forget-it task. Regularly update your listings to reflect any changes in your business information. At Shed Marketer, we use citation management tools to check citation variety, duplicate suppression, and track citations.

We specialize in helping you optimize your online presence, including creating SEO-friendly landing pages. For more detailed answers to the question “What are local SEO citations?” give us a call at (888) 346-1069.

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